Check-In/Leave a MessageIf you are attending a recovery group, event, center resource, or training, select Check-In. If you are an existing member and would like to leave a message for staff, select Leave a Message.This field is hidden when viewing the formSite*Chicago Recovery Community CoalitionThis field is hidden when viewing the formSection BreakThis field is hidden when viewing the formAre you:* Checking-In Leaving a Message (Existing Member) This field is hidden when viewing the formHave you registered as a Member of our Center?* Yes No This field is hidden when viewing the formYour Participant Short Code:*Your participant short code is your first initial, last initial, birth month, day and year in the following format: FL10211901 Where First Last's birth date is 10/21/1901.This field is hidden when viewing the formWould you like to check in as a guest?* Yes No This field is hidden when viewing the formGuest Name*You may enter your first name, a nickname or Anonymous if you do not want to give your full name.This field is hidden when viewing the formGuest PhoneIf you do not have or do not with to leave a phone number, please enter 000-000-0000.This field is hidden when viewing the formGuest Email If you do not have or do not with to leave an email address, please enter Please click here to fill out the new member form. This field is hidden when viewing the formI am attending:* Recovery Group Recovery Special Event Recovery Coaching (One-On-One) Center Resource Training This field is hidden when viewing the formI am attending:* Recovery Group Recovery Special Event Center Resource Training This field is hidden when viewing the formRecovery Group* Recovery Support Services Group #1 Recovery Support Services Group #2 This field is hidden when viewing the formEvent Type* All Recovery Meetings This field is hidden when viewing the formCenter Resource* Recovery Coaching Resources/Referrals Intake Appointment This field is hidden when viewing the formTraining Type* Workforce Development Class Overdose Prevention and Naloxone Training Recovery Coach Training This field is hidden when viewing the formPlease briefly describe what you would like to discuss*This field is hidden when viewing the formRequest ContactPlease provide the following information and we will get back to you shortly.This field is hidden when viewing the formI am:* A current Member Interested in becoming a Member This field is hidden when viewing the formPlease Enter Your Participant Short Code:*Your participant short code is your first initial, last initial, birth month, day and year in the following format: FL01311990 Where First Last's birth date is 01/31/1990.This field is hidden when viewing the formName* First Last This field is hidden when viewing the formPlease contact me via:* Phone Email Phone or Email This field is hidden when viewing the formPhone # for Contact*This field is hidden when viewing the formEmail for Contact* This field is hidden when viewing the formPlease briefly describe what you would like to us to contact you about*New ARCHES Initial Contact FormProgram Selection*SLC-ARCHESOGDEN-ARCHESSTG-ARCHESReferral Source*Please Select Referral Source:Alta View EDAlta View InpatientCOMPASSHMHIHuntsman Cancer InstituteIMC EDIMC InpatientLDS Access CenterLDS EDLDS InpatientRCC (USARA)Riverton EDRiverton InpatientSIRI StudySL Regional EDSouth Jordan Health CenterSPARCSt. Marks EDSt. Marks InpatientSUPeRADU of U Bridge EDU of U Community Bridge SLCU of U Community Bridge WVU of U EDU of U InpatientVOA CWCVOA DetoxAddiction Consult (Rounds)OtherOther Referral Source*Social WorkerPeerName* First Last Date of Birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY Phone*Please enter (000)-000-0000 if you do not have a phone numberFamily PhoneEmail If you don't have an email address, please input "".This field is hidden when viewing the formAddress* Street Address Address Line 2 City AlabamaAlaskaAmerican SamoaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareDistrict of ColumbiaFloridaGeorgiaGuamHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaNorthern Mariana IslandsOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaPuerto RicoRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahU.S. Virgin IslandsVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyomingArmed Forces AmericasArmed Forces EuropeArmed Forces Pacific State ZIP Code This field is hidden when viewing the formHow did you hear about us? Friend/Family Treatment Provider Probation officer Emergency Department This field is hidden when viewing the formReason for Referral* Select All Housing Employment Education Connection to treatment Connection to recovery community Recovery support Probation Overdose Co-occurring Multiple treatment episodes Other This field is hidden when viewing the formReason for Referral, if Other:Demographic InformationGender*Please Select Gender:MaleFemaleNon-binaryRefusedThis field is hidden when viewing the formGender, if Other:Pronoun*Please Select Pronoun:He/HimShe/HerThey/ThemRefusedRace* White Black Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Asian Native American Other Refused This field is hidden when viewing the formRace, if Other:Ethnicity* Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino Refused Health Insurance* None Private- Employer Medicaid Medicare Medicaid and Medicare Other Where do you live?* Own Home Family Home Unhoused Shelter Treatment Refused This field is hidden when viewing the formDescribe your living situation, if Other:Treatment*Please Select Treatment:InpatientBehavioralDetoxSober LivingEmployed Yes No Refused VeteranNoYesRefusedFamily SupportFamily SupportNoYesRefusedCRAFT ProvidedNoYesMeeting NotesRecoveryStagePlease Select Stage:AmbivalentPrecontemplativeActionOutcomePlease Select Outcome:Harm ReductionUSARA ServicesHarm Reduction Narcan Fentanyl Test Naloxone Xylazine Test None MAT TypePlease Select MAT Type:MethadoneBuprenorphineNaltrexoneVivitrolNoneDrugs of Choice Alcohol Benzodiazepines Barbiturates Sedatives(Ambien Lunesta) Barbiturates(Phenobarbital) Meth Crack Cocaine Cocaine Marijuana Synthetic (Spice) Heroin Prescription Pills(Oxycodone,Morphine) Fentanyl Methadone Buprenorphine(Suboxone) Nitrous Oxide(Whippets) Solvents(Paint Thinner,Glue) Aerosols(Spray Paints) MDMA(Ecstasy, Molly) GHB Rohypnol LSD Psilocybin(Mushrooms) PCP(Phencyclidine) Ketamine Synthetic Cathinones(Bath Salts) Steroids Kratom Other Other Drugs of Choice*Quality of Life Scale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 is Poor and 8 is GreatThis field is hidden when viewing the formPlease select which recovery path(s) you use.* Abstinence 12-Step Recovery Support groups Natural Recovery Peer Recovery support Medication-assisted Recovery Harm Reduction Alternative/Holistic Recovery Other Unknown This field is hidden when viewing the formRecovery Path, if Other:This field is hidden when viewing the formCOVID-19 Vaccine Status Fully Vaccinated Partially Vaccinated Unvaccinated This field is hidden when viewing the formContact PreferencesThis field is hidden when viewing the formI am interested in:* Recovery Coaching Telephonic Recovery Supports Both Telephonic and In-person Recovery Services This field is hidden when viewing the formBest Days to Call: Select All Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Fridays Saturdays Sundays This field is hidden when viewing the formBest Times to Call: Select All Morning (Before 9) Late Morning (9 to 12) Afternoon (12 to 3) Late Afternoon (3 to 6) Evening (6 to 9) Late Night (After 9) Authorization for ContactThe purpose of the disclosure authorized in this consent is to receive recovery support. I understand that my alcohol and/or drug treatment records are protected under the Federal regulations governing Confidentiality of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Patient Records, 42 C.F.R. Part 2, and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), 45 C.F.R. Pts. 160 &164 and cannot be disclosed without my written consent unless otherwise provided for in the regulations. I also understand that I may revoke this consent at any time. I understand and agree to the following: 1. I grant permission for a volunteer to call me at the above phone number, email, and/or address to support me in my recovery. 2. Each time the volunteer calls, he/she will be asking me how my recovery is progressing and if I am in need of additional support (i.e., meetings in area, recovery community centers, safe/sober housing, social events, other resources). 3. At the time of the call, if I am in need of a referral to a treatment program or detox unit, I will be assisted in finding a program, if I so desire. 4. If at any time I decide not to take part in this program, I will contact the center or tell the volunteer when he/she calls.Consent Verbal Authorization GivenVerbal Authorization Witnessed By